Fiber optic cable in 5G: It is greatly relied on.

Digital technologies, higher security, reliability, massive machine to machine communication seamless, a real-time high-speed broadband requirement from any time and any location drives for the 5G coming around the corner.

5G is a time for connecting everything with low latency and 1- 10Gbps speed which is ten to hundred times higher than 4G, all these performance and quality services will depend on the availability of fiber optic infrastructure.

5G as a converged fiber wireless network,the convergence and availability is obtained by a higher density small cell with fiber optic cable interconnected to consist a centralized RAN(C-RAN) which more willing than the previous generation to make fiber optic deployment a central part of the network especially the fronthaul network.

5G TOWER density

fiber optic cable to points

According to the expected requirement, the fiber optic cable requirement will be 16 times of 4G, and 2-6 times of FTTH due to fiber-based small cell MBH, fronthaul and backhaul.In a word, 5G formidable network performance heavily depends on the availability of fiber, a lot of fiber optic cable to the cell site.

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